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Press Release

Results for America Awards Nine New Cities With Bloomberg Philanthropies What Works Cities Certification for Exceptional Use of Data

June 17, 2024

Nine new cities in U.S. and Latin America achieve What Works Cities Certification.

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Four Cities Show That Even ‘The Best at Using Data’ Can Get Better

June 17, 2024

For city leaders, making progress on their City Hall’s data capabilities is not a one-and-done exercise. Rather, it’s about continuous improvement — taking steps that build on one another and adapt to new technology or changed circumstances. That’s why at What Works Cities Certification, we talk a lot about cities being on a “data journey.” [...]

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How Cities Can Harness the Power of AI in 2024

February 15, 2024

A letter from WWC Managing Director Rochelle Haynes on AI in cities

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What It’s Like Seeing Data-Driven Policies In-Person

February 14, 2024

A recap of the first What Works Cities Certification City Exchange

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Press Release

Results for America Awards 12 New Cities With Bloomberg Philanthropies What Works Cities Certification for Exceptional Use of Data

January 23, 2024

Twelve new cities in U.S. and Latin America achieve What Works Cities Certification

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Press Release

More Milestones in Certified Cities’ Journeys

January 23, 2024

Ten Previously Certified Cities Achieve Higher Level of Certification or re-Certifiy   On January 23, Bloomberg Philanthropies and Results for America announced that 22 cities in North, Central and South America achieved What Works Cities Certification for their exceptional use of data and evidence to make lives better for all residents. Certification is familiar territory [...]

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Certification Is a Cherry on Top of Carlsbad’s What Works Cities Journey

September 28, 2023

CIO David Graham of Silver-Certified Carlsbad, CA, shares three benefits of taking the What Works Cities Certification Assessment.

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Media Mention

Editorial: Charleston leads on analyzing data to gauge what works

July 2, 2023

Many elected leaders say we should run government more like a business, but that’s often not possible or even preferable: Governments rightly must act transparently and even-handedly, such as taking competitive bids for goods and services. In other ways, however, governments can emulate some best practices of successful businesses, specifically by trying to improve their services by gathering good data, analyzing it and adjusting accordingly.

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Press Release

Results for America Awards Seven Cities in North and South America With Bloomberg Philanthropies What Works Cities Certification for Exceptional Use of Data

June 21, 2023

Five cities are the first-ever South American cities to achieve Certification. All seven cities met new equity and outcomes-based criteria

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Previously Certified Cities Rise to the Challenge of New Certification Standards

June 21, 2023

What Works Cities Certification releases updated criteria for cities to achieve recognition for excellence in using data to improve residents’ lives.

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